Rogue Valley Heritage Grain Project

seedsgrower gary holding bundle of wheat

Mission and Goals

Our mission is to increase access to seeds of climate resilient, culturally significant food staples through grower participation and community education throughout Southern Oregon and Northern California.


grower danny gregg, Photo Jul 20, 15 00 33

In 2019, Chris Hardy, who began with a teaspoon of seed, has grown, observed, cataloged, sourced, collected and shared these precious seeds with growers worldwide. To date, the RVHGP has one of the most diverse heritage grain “Living Seed Banks” in the Western USA thanks to diverse grower participation, from new gardeners to tenured large scale farmers. Significant to the Rogue Valley, more than 100 unique varieties of heritage grains and legumes have demonstrated favorable productivity in this region thus improving the region's food security and resilience to a changing climate.


RVHGP's Active Goals:

  • increase access to locally adapted climate resilient heritaggrower cacia huff, feral farm, heritage grains project 2022e grain and legume staples 
  • maintain a diverse heritage seed library for all local growers 
  • collect and share data with local farms and bakers network 
  • establish an equipment share and training for growers of all scales
  • trial and demonstrate crop rotation, inter-cropping and low-tillage practices
  • support the development of a local grains market. 
  • organize a series of events to celebrate heritage food and our commitment to growing the future toward a healthy community

If you are a grower, baker or advgrower steve fry, IMG_8583ocate and want to help us with seed increases or help achieve other RVHGP goals above, please reach out to us at:                                                  

Help us connect more farmers to climate smart agriculture without the need for modern, chemically-intensive seeds by donating to the project  PAYPAL  VENMO  


Project Background and Milestones 

How to Become a Grower 

four farmers around thresher

Seed is created to renew, to multiply, to be grower Jen, feral farm heritage grains project 2022shared, and to spread. Seed is life itself. —Vandana Shiva